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Value of the month: Respect

September 24, 2015

You’ve Earned My Respect!

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Respect and appreciation for others  is key  for success. Have your eyes wide open this month and start appreciating what surrounds you and make you spark.  You will see that  respecting others is inspiring.

How do I know if I or others are shining their “light too?”

Let me count the ways . . .

~ gives you energy, zest or joy ~ makes you feel alive and centered ~ doing something you LOVE LOVE ~ makes your heart “sing”
~ lets you lose your sense of time ~ comes from inside – a gift that may be dormant or may already be actively shining but always waiting for you
~ engages or absorbs your attention ~ wanting to do it for no good reason other than it makes you feel good – happy – content
~ choosing to do it whether others are interested,feel the same way or not ~ can’t imagine NOT doing it
~ highly personal and unique like a finger print – its just you
~ may be general (math, poetry, sports, or environment) or very specific like walking on your hands, ballet, photography, cars, or helping others.

Adapted from work of Peter Benson, Jenifer Fox, Ken Robinson and Bernajean Porter

If you are a parent, a teacher or a student maybe you want to start appreciation by praising.  Don’t take things for granted.




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