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5th grade Unit 3: Mother Nature. Geographical features ans Animals

November 7, 2013

Which waterfalls are higher? Niagara or Angel falls? Don’t forget to post your answer for below quiz! Next, click on either waterfall to check out  your geography  vocab. Hope you enjoy it!

      Niagara Falls

  1. gabriela de santa pau permalink

    The highest waterfall is Angel falls

  2. Alba 5d permalink

    hello I´m alba and I think that is the Angel falls fvkhi

  3. Carlos 5b permalink

    I think test is angel falls

  4. Lucía lopez permalink

    I think that is the Angel Falls

  5. Lucia Gallego Mena permalink

    Hello Xio I´m Lucia Gallego of 5ºb. I think is the Angel falls.

  6. laura permalink

    i think the answer is angel falls

  7. pepe permalink

    i think is angel falls

  8. cristina 5ºC permalink

    I love the nature¡¡¡

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